9225 S. Avenida Del Yaqui
Guadalupe, Arizona 85283

Gary relates his personal story and we join him in remembering what it’s like to be pure spirit or love itself. You will learn how to break through all appearances including the false idea that we are separate from Source – and consistently recognize what we truly are.

True Meditation – rest in the perfect space of silence where you are one with your source and all is perfect exactly as it is.

Place Holy Spirit in charge of your day and live each moment guided and directed from this pure space of wisdom, love, and compassion.

Use forgiveness to release yourself from the false idea of separation from source and move into a consistent experience of truth and the endless now, out of which a high level of peace and skillfulness arises.

Jesus, Buddha and other Wisdom Masters walked and lived in the pure space of continuous connection with Source – and reminded us that this is our natural state of Being. Gary invites you to courageously unlearn the habits of ego and experience like the great spiritual masters – in internal harmony and natural benefit of humanity. Gary offers a way of looking at the world that leads to the endless now and the full flowering of the human spirit.

An acclaimed teacher of A Course in Miracles, Gary underwent a powerful spiritual awakening in the early 1990’s. As instructed by two ascended masters who appeared to him in the flesh, he wrote his first best-selling book, “The Disappearance of the Universe,” over a period of nine years. He was later guided to speak in public and has recently been described as one of the most interesting and courageous spiritual speakers in the world.

Gary has spoken in 41 states, 16 countries, and was the keynote speaker at the International “A Course in Miracles” conferences in Salt Lake City and San Francisco. He is also the most recent recipient of the Infinity Foundation Spirit Award. The award is given to a person who has made a meaningful contribution to personal and spiritual growth. Past recipients include Dan Millman, Ram Dass, Gary Zukav, James Redfield and Neale Donald Walsch.

Added by darlives on March 11, 2010

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