Atlanta, Georgia

The Eclectic Kasper is a new web journal, written mainly by Matt Kasper, that covers a variety of great topics! Matt's specialties are religion, history and theology, but The Eclectic Kasper also includes articles about music, science, movies, archaeology, sci-fi, politics, and much more.

So, are you ready to take you first step in this eclectic journey? If so, you can go to https://sites.google.com/site/theeclectickasper/ to access The Eclectic Kasper homepage, or you can go directly to the inaugural January 2011 edition at https://sites.google.com/site/theeclectickasper/january-2011.

Some of the series that will be presented during 2011 include “The Essentials Of the Faith,” and a fun series over some of those not-so-pleasant stories in Scripture called, “Tales of Trials, Failures and Entrails in The Bible.” We’ll also feature a series called “You Are Mark 17” which examines some fascinating issues regarding Mark chapter 16, and how Mark expects you and I to be the next chapter . . . to finish the story that he began!

The Eclectic Kasper will cover movie soundtrack reviews and we'll also mention some fun music groups once in a while that match the eclectic mood.

We’re living in a politically charged environment, so we'll sound off on politics and culture, too.

Other topics or series that you can look forward to in The Eclectic Kasper during 2011 include: “Dimensions of Worship,” “Browncoat Bay,” “The Quest for the Ideal Medieval-Fantasy Series,” and “Insights on Islam.”

Also, viewing The Eclectic Kasper seems to be optimal using Google Chrome since it is a Google site.

Come and join this eclectic conversation!

Official Website: https://sites.google.com/site/theeclectickasper/january-2011

Added by M Kasper on January 14, 2011

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