45 W 54th St
Manhattan, New York 10011

Imagine a deeply witty theatrical performance which reveals the glaring questions of 9/11 and lays bare the imperial motives of the Bush/Cheney neocon cabal. Sunday, January 7th was the debut performance of a newly updated "Devil's Departure" at Dillon's Nirvana 54 dinner theatre at 245 West 54th Street in the heart of New York's theater district. Doors open at 1 PM so patrons can order food and drinks, show starts at 2 PM. The performance costs $10 for admission, and a $20.00 minimum going to the restaurant for food and drinks. Consider it an inexpensive meal with first class entertainment in which art skillfully presents political reality.

Official Website: http://www.myspace.com/devilsdeparture

Added by DevilsDeparture on February 3, 2007

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