15 Hatfields
London, England SE1 8DJ

Are you looking to hone your skills at little cost? Or maybe post recession you are looking for that much needed career boost in the Creative world but don’t know where to start?

Either way, Academy Class can help you with new tips and tricks on Adobe Photoshop, Indesign, Flash, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Flash, Creative Suite 5.5 and Social Media. To help celebrate the London Design Festival – the celebration of design in the world’s creative capital – Academy Class brings you the Designers Fiesta!

Join us for an inspirational day of key note sessions and workshops bringing you up to scratch with the ever popular Digital Age and find out what part you can play in the process. This is a truly fantastic opportunity to network with like minded peers, gain knowledge from industry experts and to shape your future.

Take that leap and maximise your true potential at ‘The Academy Class Designers Fiesta’ on September 23rd at London Waterloo. 15 Hatfields, London se1 8dj

Added by Mark Young 8027 on July 13, 2011

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