28 Westhampton Way, University of Richmond
Richmond, Virginia 23173

Written by Charles Mee
Directed by Dorothy Holland

Fusing elements of Greek tragedy, opera, pop culture, and the shimmering shards of our
contemporary world, Charles Mee has created the sexiest history lesson and the funniest
tragedy you’ve ever seen. Set in the aftermath of the Trojan War, the play follows Aeneas from his war-ravaged home to the seductive shores of Dido’s Carthage. A contemporary pastiche of horror and delight, Mee’s play about the spoils of war and the battle of the sexes is remarkably timely.

Audience Advisory: Contains strong language and adult content.
Tickets required.

Official Website: http://modlin.richmond.edu/events/theatre/trojan-women.html

Added by richmondartsandsciences on August 30, 2011