511 E. South Boulder Road
Louisville, Colorado 80027

Two Incredible Sessions in One Power-Packed Program With Internationally Acclaimed Branding Expert, Dick Bruso

Come Strike Up Your Brand! This is your opportunity to begin the process of creating your very own distinctive brand or expanding your existing brand.

Session One: “How To Be Heard Above The Noise: Branding Your Uniqueness”

This jam-packed and highly practical session is designed to help entrepreneurs, professionals and business leaders develop their distinctive brand, focus on their uniqueness to successfully reach their target markets, and position themselves to be "heard above the noise” in the marketplace.

Highlights include how to:

Create a compelling, memorable, and distinctive brand that truly sets you apart in everything you say and do
Craft a positioning statement centered on your distinctive brand and your target market(s)
Maximize your ability to reach your target market(s) via creative branding, the incredible power of media, and strategic networking.
Examples of powerful branding, unique positioning, and creative marketing approaches successfully utilized by Dick’s clients will be shared throughout this session.

Session Two: “Brandstorming”

During this highly interactive session, Dick will demonstrate (with the assistance of two audience members) how to develop brands to set you apart in the marketplace. You’ll learn the secret of how to apply the “umbrella approach” to branding to encompass all aspects of your business.

EVENT: The Branding Extravaganza!
DATE: December 8, 2010 - Wednesday
TIME: 6:00pm-8:30pm
WEBSITE: http://www.davinciinstitute.com/events/492/the-davinci-institute-presents-a-branding-extravaganza--wednesday-december--8-2010

LOCATION: DaVinci Institute, 511 E. South Boulder Road Louisville, CO 80027

COST: $69

PHONE: 303-666-4133

TOPIC: The DaVinci Institute Presents A Branding Extravaganza!
SPEAKER: Dick Bruso, International speaker and founder of Heard Above The Noise

Official Website: http://www.davinciinstitute.com/events/492/the-branding-extravaganza--wednesday-december--8-2010

Added by DaVinci Institute Events on November 5, 2010