487 Fair Oaks Ave
Arroyo Grande, California 93420

As part of the Clark Center’s new Local Spotlight Series, members of the San Luis Obispo Symphony will join the Damon Castillo Band for a concert at the Clark Center on February 18. The Music for the Next Generation concert will combine the band's signature rock/soul/pop sound with stirring symphonic accompaniments to create a musical masterpiece that fills the senses and cleanses the soul. With the show's proceeds benefiting local music education programs, Damon and the Symphony are fulfilling a shared goal to increase awareness for the importance of arts education for the "next generation." The Damon Castillo Band hails from the Central Coast of California where they have a devout following and are well-known for their powerful live performances. Each member is a master-musician with a diverse past playing many genres of music. Their prowess comes through on every note, dynamically punctuating Damon’s soulful lyrics, at times mournful and often larger than life. For tickets, call 805-489-9444 or visit www.clarkcenter.org.

Official Website: http://www.clarkcenter.org

Added by clark.center on January 18, 2011

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