12 Union Street
South Weymouth, Massachusetts 02189

April 18-19, 2009

Sat/Sun 10:30am – 5pm Fee: $225.00

Location: Feathers Wellness Center
12 Union Street, South Weymouth, Ma 02190

Faculty: Maureen Spencer, RN and
Christine Naoum-Heffernan, RN
Certified Cymatron Sound Facilitators

The Cymatron is the state of the art full body surround sound experience that enhances deep relaxation, stress management, inner bliss and healing of the body, mind and spirit. The Cymatron is being enjoyed privately in homes for family and friends and professionally by trained Cymatron Facilitators.

· The Cymatron Facilitator Training offers a new career opportunity for people wanting to create or expand their practice in the healing arts. The Cymatron may be used in conjunction with a wide range of therapies such as aromatherapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, cranial sacral, hypnotherapy, massage, pain and stress management, polarity therapy, psychological and transpersonal counseling, Reiki, vibrational healing and yoga therapy.

· The Cymatron can be a beautiful tool to assist clients in emotional healing. The resonant properties of the Cymatron coupled with the client’s intention and deep state of relaxation, result in their emotions naturally rising to the surface and releasing from a deep cellular level. Accelerated emotional healing has frequently been observed by facilitators working with people dealing with grief, trauma, anger and negative patterns.

· During this training weekend, you will be introduced to sacred geometry, cymatics and how sound effects the human ear and nervous system. You will give and receive a session using the Cymatron Data Collection Tool.

· Facilitator Certification requires completion of the training workshop and completion of 10 case studies on friends, family. You may go at your own pace but must complete certification requirements within a 2-year period.

Official Website: http://cymatronsoundhealing.com

Added by Findingpeace on February 4, 2008

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