407 Bainbridge St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19147

Start the new year right! Comicvsaudience.com and the Philly Improv Theater are proud to present THE COMIC VS. AUDIENCE COMEDY SHOW, a night of hilarious and engaging stand-up comedy. "Stand-up comedy" as we now know it used to be performed exclusively in cramped theaters for a nickle, but that was the 30s and clearly things have changed since then. Now you can enjoy funny jokes from funny people in a warm theater for The People for only five American dollars!

So, make sure you and your friends come out to:

The Comic Vs. Audience Comedy Show
Monday, January 5th, 2009
at the Shubin Theatre (407 Bainbridge St.)
Five American Dollars
Tickets can be purchased on the PHIT website: www.phillyimprovtheater.com/tickets.html

Oh did we mention that it's BYOB!?!

Mary Radzinski
Joey Dougherty
Sidney Gantt
2008 Philly's Phunniest Person
Kent Haines

Official Website: http://www.comicvsaudience.com

Added by comicvsaudience on December 22, 2008

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