The Comedy of Life, Death, & Art
An 8-week workshop to develop comedic & creative work with Samantha Chanse
Tuesdays, May 5 - June 23, 7-9pm
Final Performance: June 23, 7-9pm
Featuring: Cathlin Goulding, Jonathan Yang, Yasmine Gomez, Allan Manalo, Linda Park and Chuck Lacson
KSW @ PariSoMa
1436 Howard @ 10th St
Life doesn't try to be funny; it just is. Life is tragedy with embedded comedy, and vice versa. The purpose of this interdisciplinary (but mostly writing/performing) workshop is to develop creative work with an emphasis on discovering and emphasizing the comedic elements; to identify and explore comedic concepts/principles; to integrate comedy into writing and performing; and to develop skills in terms of both writing and publicly presenting your work.
Official Website:
Added by KSW on May 20, 2009