127 N. Main St.
Bowling Green, Ohio 43402

Augmented by the piston drive of a hell bound rhythm section, the singer/songwriter tandem of Jason Erickson and Miss Joan Whittaker are The Cla-Zels: Fleetwood Mac on steroids. They alchemize pop, blues and funk into a sleek vehicle that takes you on a twisted motorcycle tour through the ruins of a rock and roll city. Guitar- fueled mayhem, groovy down home roots, and acoustic ballads unfold tales of comedy and tragedy.

The Cla-Zels return to the place of their mysterious origins, The Clazel Theater, for the release of I Own Hawaii, a tour de force reminiscent of Revolver and other rock flagships. Love and insanity dance out the night on a sonic playground.

Added by jacquelinenemeth on May 10, 2010

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