625 West 140th Street
New York, New York 10031

On September 25th at 3pm, The Fortune Society will open a new play performed by four formerly incarcerated individuals who will share their real-life stories about how they transformed their lives from prisoners to responsible, successful New York residents. “The Castle Two” is a sequel to “The Castle,” an off Broadway show that played for 14 months at the New World Stages.

Like its predecessor, “The Castle Two” will be performed by four formerly incarcerated individuals who became residents of The Fortune Society’s Academy (aka The Castle), a resident program for 60 men and women with criminal histories. The cast members are Rory Anderson, Chris Carney, Thomas Jones and Victor Rojas. All four currently live in Harlem. Collectively they served more than 60 years in state prison on charges including murder, robbery and drugs.

“The Castle” and “The Castle Two” were created and directed by David Rothenberg, who founded The Fortune Society 44-years-ago.

After the performance, audience members will participate in a Q&A with the four cast members.

The Fortune Society is one of the most respected and effective prisoner re-entry agencies in the country.

Call 212-255-4834 for tickets.

Added by Alyssa Markowitz on August 30, 2011

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