754 S Wabash Ave
Chicago, Illinois 60605

The Cash Box Kings is an up-and-coming blues band dedicated to carrying on the spirit of the 1940s and 1950s post-war blues sound. The band showcases the music of Chess Records and Sun Records luminaries such as Little Walter, Muddy Waters, the Howlin' Wolf, and Big Walter Horton as well as lesser known artists such as Robert Nighthawk, Eddie Taylor, and Luther Huff. The Cash Box Kings also delve into the Mississippi Delta sounds of blues men like Charley Patton, Son House, Fred McDowell and R.L. Burnside. The group rounds off its musical offerings with a healthy dose of original music that captures the essence of the Memphis and Chicago blues sounds of the '40s and '50s.

Added by Upcoming Robot on June 12, 2010