331 Bulwer St
Perth, Western Australia

The Cannanes ~ have played in New York, Tokyo, London & Munich and have finally decided they are ready for Western Australia!

They've carefully selected gems from their back catalogue as well as songs from their upcoming CD "This is what it Sounds Like' and each show will be completely different. Rumor has it Gus will even swing in a couple of choreographed dance movements selected for him by Twyla Tharp, They are not a band to blow their own trumpet but on these occasions they might even blow 2. Last time they played they were described as "awesome". Was this because they WERE awesome or because this was the only adjective still in current use in the 21st century! You Be the Judge!

Dunsborough ~ Thursday 20th September ~ last minute 'house party' show, you will need to email the band at [email protected] for details

The Hyde Park Hotel ~ North Perth ~ Friday 21st of September with Institut Polaire & Astral Travel ~ $10 entry

Mojo's ~ North Freemantle ~ Sunday 23rd of September with Pacific By Rail & Fall Electric ~ $8 entry

Also watch out for radio & TV appearances & interviews etc. on: 'out to lunch' Friday 21st Sept 12-3pm : 'Wake Up WA' 7am Weekdays + 'The Couch' 5.30pm Sundays 5pm Wednesdays both on Ch31 [check websites for details]

If you'd like more information on The Cannanes, they have a humongous website with extensive history, photos, mp3 collection, press-kit etc. at:

They also now have myspace with upcoming show info, current goings on, more music, blogs etc. at:

Official Website: http://www.cannanes.com

Added by The Cannanes on September 13, 2007

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