3774 Pacific Coast Highway
Torrance, California 90505

"The reader today is confronted by an almost bewildering array of translations and commentaries on the Bhagavad Gita. The very universality of that scripture invites people to see it in terms of their own diverse approaches to truth. Those who by nature are primarily active find wise guidance in the Gita for how to act in such a way as to free themselves of emotional involvement in this world. Those whose natures are primarily rational find in the Gita supreme guidance on the impersonal attitudes needed for living with wise and calm non-attachment. Those of devotional inclination find in the Gita the inspiration to love only God. And those, finally, who seek God through calm meditation find in this scripture deep teachings on right attitudes in meditation.

Truth is one. People try to slice it like a pie, but even the slices of a pie narrow to a single center. What the Gita shows is that, however many aspects there are of truth, all of them radiate outward from a single center.

Yogananda emphasized in his writings, and especially in his commentaries on the Bhagavad Gita, that man is a triune being: physical, mental, and spiritual. All parts of human nature need to be developed, lest any one of them obstruct the others."
First 30 (of 52) Meeting Dates:
October 14, 21, 28
November 4, 11, 18
December 2, 9
January 6, 13, 20, 27
February 3, 10, 24
March 3,10, 17, 24, 31
April 7, 14, 21, 28
May 5, 12, 19, 26
June 2, 9

52 consecutive meetings $973.00
30 consecutive meetings $624.00
8 consecutive meetings $183.00

Single Class Price 25.00 cash or check

Our course is planned for 52 meetings. Most of our classes are offered as a series. But each class stands alone, and you are encouraged to drop in at any time (except the Meditation series). This will be a life changing experience.

Added by Aum Aum Aum on October 6, 2009

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