Kurfürstendamm 207-208
Berlin, Bundesland Berlin 10719

The Berlin International Human Rights Congress (BIHRC) is an international congress, taking place on the 20th anniversary of German reunification that will offer an interdisciplinary analysis of the fields of human rights and democracy. The event will explore developments in these areas over the past two decades and will then consider the key issue shaping discussions on the international level today. The program will consist of lectures, seminars, debates and panel discussions that will feature leading figures from international politics & diplomacy, academia, civil society, international development, and the private sector. Participants of the program will also have the unique opportunity to celebrate the 20th anniversary of German reunification on the streets of Berlin.

Confirmed Speakers for the Congress include:
• Dr. Emil Constantinescu; ICD Board Member - Former President of Romania
• HE Lt. Jerry John Rawlings; Former President of Ghana
• Mark C. Donfried; Director - the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy
• Dr. Miomir Zuzul; ICD Advisory Board Member - Former Foreign Minister of Croatia
• Dr. Solomon Isaac Passy; ICD Advisory Board Member - Former Foreign Minister of Bulgaria
• H.E. Yasar Yakis; ICD Advisory Board Member - Former Foreign Minister of Turkey

The conference participants will include young professionals, students and scholars, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives, journalists, and other interested stakeholders from across the world.

To get further information on or apply to the program, please visit:

Added by icdpress on August 23, 2010

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