317 Kit Carson Rd
Taos, New Mexico 87571

Throughout the year, around the world, Avatar Masters and students come together to share the experience of The Avatar Course.

We invite you to come and learn the tools of Avatar in a safe, comfortable, caring environment. Fostering compassion and peace, this setting promotes deep connections beyond all boundaries of culture, religion, race, or age.

Establish life-long friendships as you explore consciousness with your new, diverse, worldwide community. Discover for yourself the magic of Avatar and experience the synergy of many people, just like you, learning and growing together with a common purpose.

You will be supported by a dedicated team of Avatar Masters who, working together in cooperation, will assist you to have the very best Avatar Course possible. Please join us for this experience of a lifetime.

For more information, call: 267-679-4422

Avatar® is a registered trademark of Star's Edge, Inc. All rights reserved.

Official Website: http://www.radishafie.com

Added by radishafie on March 2, 2009

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