320 S. Cambridge Lane (Corner of Butler and Sawmill Rd.)
Flagstaff, Arizona 86001

Are you curious about the 2012 hype?
Join Flagstaff astrologer, Donna Steele at New Frontiers
Natural Marketplace, Wednesday, October 20 at 6pm and
discover how world-wide social, economic and political changes
could be related to the rare and extraordinary planetary
configuration called the ‘Cardinal Cross.’

Utilizing a unique astrological interpretation method called
Evolutionary Astrology, Donna offers deep and revolutionary
insights into the intense and chaotic times in our modern history
that you won’t find in most popular astrology books, websites
or magazines.

If you are new to astrology or already familiar, you’ll be amazed at
the insights it can offer to navigate changing times successfully.
Gain new knowledge and understanding that can change the way
you see yourself, your past and your future, beyond the myths
about 2012!

New Frontiers Natural Marketplace “We’re all about YOUR quality of life!”

Added by priyadrews on September 21, 2010

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