PO Box 127, Manson's Landing
Vancouver, British Columbia

Create a comprehensive roadmap for leading an artful life. We are all simply thrown on the stage of life, without a dress-rehearsal, and must learn to play our part as best we can. Many of us improvise as we go along, and rarely find the time to learn the craft. And yet, as philosophers and teachers have long known, living is also an art that, like all others, can be practiced and perfected. This art, they call philosophy, or the “therapy of the soul,” and its object is greater well-being, and happiness. In this dynamic workshop, we will learn the fundamentals of philosophy as an art of living, an illustrious practice represented by the likes of Socrates, Aristotle, and Marcus Aurelius, to name a few.


What are the foundations of the art of living well?
What existential obstacles must be recognised and overcome?
What concrete practices can we apply to face our daily challenges?
How do we cultivate peace and well-being in a changing world?

Drawing from multiple disciplines, we will gain a comprehensive roadmap for leading an artful life. We will also try a variety of fun and useful tools for facing the challenges of daily life, and thriving. Come learn more about the one art that none of us can live without: the art of living!

Added by hollyhocklive on March 19, 2010

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