1274 N. Crescent Heights
West Hollywood, California 90046


Mark E. Sackett created "The Art of Active Networking" through one of his businesses, "Brainfood Creative Programs", with the sole purpose of helping people do better.

And it works! Come see why we've had everyone from "Smart Money Magazine" to "The Wall Street Journal", as well as television stations from South Korea, cover our events around the country.

This is the most unique and connected networking event you will attend this year. Our sole purpose is to help people do better in this down and ever-changing economy and to work through life shifts while meeting people you would otherwise not connect with in a unique new way.

We’ve had thousands of people come to our "The Art of Active Networking" events and they love it. This is NOT one of those throw your business card at someone and try to sell yourself events. Instead, we ask one important question: "How can I help you do better right now?" Helping people and businesses do better right now is all that ultimately matters. And at the event, I will tell you why and how you can do it better!

At "The Art of Active Networking", I teach people how to look at building stronger, deeper, more passionate connections in business, life, and love. We discuss how to use social media and individual relationships to your advantage and why that should be just a small part of your overall plan, along with developing your own "personal brand", no matter what it is you do or want to accomplish.

We have loads of fun doing this! This is not a boring seminar, a dry talk, or an event full of superficial conversations. If you want to bring The Art of Active Networking to your city, please email Mark E. Sackett on the link below titled "contact us".

Please connect with and join Mark on any of the social media sites you use here: MarkESackett.com

Official Website: http://www.theartofactivenetworking.com/index.html

Added by Solange Silverman on May 11, 2012

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