1100 Pine Grove Rd
Gardners, Pennsylvania 17324

The Appalachian Trail Museum Society is proud to announce that it will hold it's Grand Opening this summer, June 5th, 2010, at the Old Mill in Pine Grove Furnace State Park. Although many activities are still being coordinated, some of the activities are listed below (more info will be added as it becomes available).

The Main Ceremony will begin at 11:00 am. We are expecting Pioneer thru-hiker Gene Espy to be in attendance in addition to Grandma Gatewood's daughter, and hopefully other pioneer thru-hikers as well.

There will be several other programs throughout the day to choose from, although details are not fully in yet. There will be something for everyone and the day should be quite historic in itself.

Official Website: http://www.atmuseum.org

Added by JLBean on March 30, 2010

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