7 Lower Center St
Clinton, New Jersey 08809

'The Anne Steele Marsh Print Collection' is named in tribute to the woman whose vision and vitality were dedicated to the museum and to the art of printmaking. One of the 12 founders of the museum, Anne Steele Marsh was a recognized printmaker and painter whose work is included in the collections of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art and the Newark Museum, among others. In 1956, Mrs. Marsh initiated the 'Annual National Juried Print Exhibition' to recognize accomplishments in printmaking. Her strongest concern was ensuring the selection of high quality work and, to do this, she appointed prestigious artists to serve as jurors. Each year, several outstanding prints are chosen for purchased awards and these prints form the basis of the permanent collection at the Museum. As the reputation of the collection has grown, noted artists and other donors have contributed additional works. Today, the museum owns over 500 prints which have been exhibited in museums, libraries, colleges and corporate galleries.

Added by Upcoming Robot on May 14, 2008