90 Carlton St
Athens, Georgia 30602

Designed as a parallel exhibition to 'Coming Home: American Paintings, 1930-1950, from the Schoen Collection,' which the Georgia Museum of Art organized with the Mobile Museum of Art in 2003, 'The American Scene on Paper' includes works by many of the same artists and addresses much of the same subject matter, from portrayals of the plight of the American farm laborer to the development of industry and the growth of the urban environment.

Added by Upcoming Robot on December 9, 2010





I wish I could go. I have plans that night. I'll add it to my attending list. I love EFF and congrats on 16th birthday!!!


adamjackson, the whole point of a watchlist is that you can express interest in something without saying you'll be there. You just said you won't be able to be there and you're putting it on your attend list? Bad upcoming.orger!


If you're going and wear a Medium shirt, leave a comment or send me a note! I'll bring along a very rare Upcoming.org shirt for you from our rapidly dwindling supplies.


What a coincidence. As a matter of fact, I am a medium. How did you know? Does it come with an autograph? Ever since I saw Norm wearing his, I've wanted one, with or without the autograph.


Ooooh, I also wear a medium. Might I have one of the afore-mentioned shirts please? Thanks in advance! I'm coming all the way from Melbourne, Australia for it, btw! :)


Same time as a don't-miss SF Flickr meetup; but i send my kudos and respect plus possibly my significant other. Yay, EFF!


oh, will *absolutely* be there ...


Okay, shirts for William and Jonathan duly noted... Anyone else?


There's a slight chance I'll be there (and yes, I wear a medium) -- it all depends on what other parties I have to go to that night. Macworld Expo is like that...


Collides with the Mac Podcasters meetup! Drat.


I wear size small... any chance of that?


I'm a Medium or, if all else fails, can shrink the hell outta a large. Got to say something for a Midwest mother who knows the tricks.


May I have a T-shirt too, oh waxy one? I, too, am versed in the ways of shrinkage :)


BOOTIE will be in hiz-ouse! Happy Sweet 16 EFF!


Sorry Branka, we ran out of smalls... Aubrey and Safire, you're all set. Everyone, find me tomorrow night and get your shirts!


I'll be presenting EFF with a donation of $3561.00 tonight. Here's the backstory:



You're the man, Scott!


Ok, I will shrink Medium one - just save one for me :)


I am going and wear a medium shirt, if it aint too late.


Nuts, I only had five. William, Jonathan, Aubrey, Safire, and Branka get them. Nima, if there's one left by the end of the night, it's all yours.


No worries, thanks for giving us Upcoming. My social life has improved tremendously because of it. And many thanks to Scott and laughing squid for its ongoing generosity both financially and spiritually.


I looked for you all, but only found William! I'm going to need to come up with a better system next time.


Thanks to EFF for throwing a great party! Nice to meet some of you Upcoming users there. :) Andy, maybe next time we can bring the Upcoming banner and wrap it around your head so people can find you more easily.


Oh waxy one, I looked for you too. Alas, it wasn't meant to be.