2215 Broadway St
Redwood City, California 94063


It’s time to venture out to Hundred Acre Wood where Winnie will be joined by his friends Christopher Robin, Piglet, Tigger, and the rest of the gang as A.A.Milne’s classic bear comes to life in this fun, upbeat children’s theatre performance. Will Pooh be looking for a Hunny jar, or will he be entertaining Roo or Rabbit with one of his great stories? Come to the Fox Theatre with the family and let the kids be dazzled by the characters on stage with their tricks, antics, and good humor. Your children will sit in amazement and smile the entire night as they watch the colorful characters celebrate friendship, loyalty and love. Featuring the brilliant talent of Sign Stage on Tour in its 15th touring year, this family production is signed and spoken simultaneously.

Visit us on-line at www.foxrwc.com
$14- Child / $20-Adult Adv
$17-Child/ $23-Adult-door

Added by Fox Theatre RWC on May 11, 2011

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