609 Sutter Street
San Francisco, California 94102

The Adventures of Pete & Pete turns 20! Nickelodeon’s beloved show, which ran in different incarnations between 1989 and 1996, follows two brothers, both named Pete, and their adventures in the town of Wellsville, New York. Surreal, hilarious, and touching, the show has a rabid following and an eclectic list of guest stars, like Steve Buscemi, Iggy Pop, Chris Elliott, Gordan Gano, Debbie Harry, LL Cool J, Ann Magnuson, Marshall Crenshaw and Selma Blair.

For this 20th Anniversary celebration, SF Sketchfest is proud to welcome Michael C. Maronna (Big Pete Wrigley), Danny Tamberelli (Little Pete Wrigley), Toby Huss (Artie, the Strongest Man in the World), Rick Gomez (Endless Mike), Pete & Pete house band leader Mark Mulcahy, and series creators Chris Viscardi and Will McRobb, for a night of clips, conversation, music, scene readings and more!


The 12th Annual SF Sketchfest runs January 24 - February 10, 2013. For a full list of shows, visit http://sfsketchfest.com/x/performers/

Official Website: http://sfsketchfest.com/x/

Added by sketchy on January 12, 2013

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