108 E Wells St
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202

Alfred Hitchcock's THE 39 STEPS has it all – intrigue, romance, and hilarious comedy! Mix a Hitchcock masterpiece with a juicy spy novel, add a dash of Monty Python and you have the hilarious not-to-be-missed two-time Tony Award-winning comedy that played on Broadway for three straight years. The play features a handsome hero (complete with stiff upper lip, pencil moustache and British gung-ho attitude) who encounters dastardly murders, double-crossing secret agents, and, of course, devastatingly beautiful women. It also features every single legendary scene from the award-winning movie – including the chase on the Flying Scotsman, the escape on the Forth Bridge, the first theatrical bi-plane crash ever staged and the sensational death-defying finale in the London Palladium. It's a rollicking evening of winking wisecracks for the whole family!

Added by Milwaukee Repertory Theater on February 1, 2011