The Haight-Ashbury District, commonly known as "The Haight," is one of the most renowned neighborhoods in the Bay. Wedged between Golden Gate Park, the Panhandle, and Cole Valley, the attractive nightlife action falls on Haight St., between Stanyan and Masonic. The historic district gained worldwide fame as the center of the "Hippie Movement" in the 1960's. Famous former residents include Janice Joplin, and bands like Jefferson Airplane and the Grateful Dead.
Though the tie-dyed days are long gone, the distinct culture of the neighborhood continues to boast remnants of its vibrant past. The CrawlSF Team invites you relive the "Summer of Love" on June 30 as we crawl along Haight St. and grab drinks at some great Haight St. bars, like Martin Macks, Gold Cane, Hobson's Choice, Murio's Trophy Room, Milk, and more!
Tickets Available Here:
Don't Miss out on the rest of this year's San Francisco pub crawls:
June 9, 2012: The 9th Annual Polk Street Pub Crawl
June 30, 2012: The 2nd Annual Haight Street Pub Crawl
July 4, 2012: The 1st Annual Independence Day Crawl
July 21, 2012:The 5th Annual Chestnut Street Crawl
August 4, 2012: The 2nd Annual Mission Pub Crawl
August 25, 2012: The 10th Annual Union Street Pub Crawl
September 15, 2012: The 10th Annual North Beach Bar Run
October 6, 2012: The 5th Annual Polk Village Pub Crawl
October 20, 2012: The 3rd Annual Fisherman's Wharf Pub Crawl
October 27, 2012: Crawloween Adult Trick or Treating
November 17, 2012: The Clement Street Pub Crawl
December 8, 2012: The CrawlSF Christmas Crawl
Added by crawlsf on June 25, 2012