55 Fourth St
San Francisco, California

Text Analytics World San Francisco 2013
April 17-19, 2013

Text Analytics World (TAW) is the full-spectrum conference that covers all aspects of text analytics. To solidify the business value you gain from text analytics, TAW delivers the latest methods/techniques, demonstrating their deployment across a wide range of industries large and small. TAW also explores the full range of vendor solutions and various forms of text analytics enterprise deployment.
TAW explores five major areas of text analytics:
• Big Data – Integration of text analytics and predictive analytics – converting text into data and enhancing text mining applications, decision support, topic discovery, predictive modeling, and more
• Social Media – Sentiment analysis, voice of the customer and other new social applications
• Enterprise Applications –Enterprise search and search based applications, knowledge management (collaboration, expertise location, advanced knowledge bases), content management and other productivity applications
• Intelligence Applications –Business intelligence, customer intelligence, security, fraud detection, survey analysis and more
• Knowledge Organization – Categorization techniques, noun phrase extraction approaches, taxonomy development and applications, semantic web and semantic technologies and new knowledge models
Register Today!

Event Link: http://www.textanalyticsworld.com/sanfrancisco/2013/?utm_medium=calendar&utm_campaign=SF2013&utm_source=calendar

Reg Link: http://www.textanalyticsworld.com/sanfrancisco/2013/registration?utm_medium=calendar&utm_campaign=SF2013&utm_source=calendar

Added by Jeff Dustin on January 28, 2013

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