1200 Streit Dr
Amarillo, Texas 79106

Join us for some sweet, seasonal fun at Winterland of Gingerbread! Share your creativity and be inspired for the holidays—and the rest of the school year! Winterland of Gingerbread is open to all students and their families, as well as all interested families!

We'll have a craft and an activity that will be sent to thank our troops. Bring your gingerbread houses to compete or just come to engage with TXVA families as we participate in the activities at the Discovery Center. This event is specially priced at $4 per person - this includes access to the exhibit and a demonstration!

Please visit our website for more information and to register. We can’t wait to see you there!

Official Website: http://www.k12.com/txva/event/winterland-gingerbread-amarillo

Added by K12 on November 22, 2011

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