17530 Henderson Pass
San Antonio, Texas 78232

Come celebrate the cooler weather at our TXVA Winter Showcase Event! Students are encouraged to bring a "proud project" to showcase! This can be related to school or just a fun project they are proud to exhibit.

We will also skate together at a group rate of $8 per skater. Please bring cash ONLY as we will pay as a group.

TXVA Staff will be available to answer questions for families interested in learning more about TXVA! Visit our site for more details: http://www.k12.com/txva/event/winter-showcase-event-san-antonio-ice-and-golf-center

See you there!

Official Website: http://www.k12.com/txva/event/winter-showcase-event-san-antonio-ice-and-golf-center

Added by K12 on December 7, 2012

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