523 West Spring Creek Parkway
Plano, Texas 75023

Round up the treasures (clean and in good condition) hidden in your garage, closets and attic and bring them to our one day drop-off collection event.

Bicycles*- bicycles in all conditions for donation to children of all ages (Partner: Bikes for Tykes and Bicycle Recycle)

Books*- ( Partner: Friends of the Plano Public Library)

Cell Phones- (Partner: ECO Phones)

Clothing- men’s, women’s and children’s clothing, belts, purses, backpacks, wallets, duffle bags and stuffed animals (gently used and clean items only) (Partner: World Wear Project)

Document Shredding- TWO BOX limit per household (13”x16”x26”) no commercial business paperwork accepted. Secure on-site shredding until truck is full (Partner: DFWShredding.com)

Eye Glasses*- prescription eyeglasses and sunglasses, reading glasses, frames and accessories (Partner: Plano New Millennium Lions Club)

Pet Products- collars, leashes, toys, nail clippers, pet bowls, brushes, combs, small rugs, towels, blankets, animal shampoo, laundry detergent, dish detergent, spray bottles, IAMS canned and dry food (unopened), Tidy Cat non-clumping litter, flea products, dog and cat treats (Partner: Plano Animal Services)

Shoes*- adult athletic shoes and children’s shoes (any style) in good condition (Partner: Shoe Bank)

*Non-profit organizations may provide receipts; no other organization will provide donation receipts.

For more information www.livegreeninplano.com.

Official Website: http://www.livegreeninplano.com/

Added by Earth911.com on August 29, 2011