2708 Routh Street
Dallas, Texas, Texas 75201

On Thursday, January 25, Environment Texas will host an activist happy hour. At the event a short (7-8 minute) documentary will be shown. Narrated by two-time Oscar nominee and Texas native Ethan Hawke, "Texas Parks at Risk" reveals a magnificent parks system beleaguered by budget cuts, lay-offs, dilapidated infrastructure, and proposals to sell or close as many as 18 parks. After the screening, Environment Texas staff will discuss plans to
get the Texas Legislature to Save Texas Parks.

6 PM at the Arcodoro and Pomodoro Restaurant, 2708 Routh Street in Dallas. For information contact Christian Alexander at 512-236-0723.

The film is possible thanks to generous grants from the Magnolia Charitable Trust and the Jacob and Terese Hershey Foundation.

Official Website: http://environmenttexas.org

Added by environmenttexas.org on January 17, 2007