919 Hunter
El Paso, Texas 79915

The Locations Scout Workshop is a collaborative effort between the Texas Film Commission, Continuing Education Program, and the Mass Communication Program.

Locations Scout Workshop
Put your imagination to use by discovering and securing buildings and properties that can be used as a film set. The Locations Scout Workshop is a one-day course, taught by experienced professionals, that teaches the tricks of the trade needed to find, photograph, and secure shooting locations in Texas based on the script and requests of production.

Workshop Benefits
The Workshop is designed to introduce the participants to a Locations professional with whom they can keep in contact, thus beginning their networking opportunities for finding employment. Participants who complete the training will have learned the nuts and bolts of Location Scouting and the tools to develop those duties into a career. Upon completing the Workshop, participants receive a Locations Scout Workshop Training Certification from the Texas Film Commission, which can be included on a résumé, and a listing in the Texas Production Directory.
Cost of Workshop is $45.00
Call Ruth McDonald at 915-831-2193 to register.
Class will be held in room B240 Valle Verde Campus.

Added by jimheiney on July 14, 2009