801 S Bowie St
San Antonio, Texas 78205

Located at the entrance to the museum, 'Texans: Footprints and Imprints' invites guests to walk a mile in the shoes of notable Texans or, more reasonably, to view the shoes that these trailblazers wore to make their mark on Texas history. These include former Governor Ann Richards, George W. and Laura Bush, George Strait, Fess Parker, John Quinones, Dan Rather, Lyndon B. Johnson, to name a few. Some of the shoes belong to native Texans; others to those who made Texas their home or still call Texas home regardless of their current residence. All of the subjects are significant in Texas, and each has a unique story that sets the tone for a visit to the rest of the museum.Shoes are rotated every six to twelve months to make room for new Texas icons.

Added by Upcoming Robot on December 18, 2009