601 Pacific Highway
San Diego, California 92101

An Intensive Class for California Employers

Presented by the Employer Resource Institute

Terminating employees is undoubtedly one of the most unpleasant and unavoidable tasks you face on a regular basis. The fact that you need to keep track of a complicated set of legal concerns and documentation before, during, and even after the termination processonly adds to the stress.

It's no secret that if you make a mistake, your company could be facing an expensive employee lawsuit. And if your mistake is made in conjunction with a group layoff or RIF, that lawsuit could be a class action costing your company millions of dollars.

How do you protect yourself and your company? The best defense is a good offensea cohesive terminations policy and process that greatly reduces both employee ill will and your legal vulnerability.

Join us for Terminations: Everything You Wanted To Know But Were Afraid To Ask. In this exclusive ERI Intensive Class, you'll learn:

  • How to best protect yourself and your company against termination-related bias and retaliation claims

  • The steps to follow in any termination process, whether you're dealing with a voluntary separation, a layoff, or a firing for cause

  • The documentation you need to have on hand before you even consider letting someone go

  • How to safely terminate an employee who's filed a past charge or lawsuit against your company

  • The most common termination-related mistakes even savvy employers makeand how to sidestep them

  • How to go about firing an employee who goes on an interminable leave

  • The best way to approach an unavoidable group layoff

  • Steps you can take right away to safeguard your company and streamline your process

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of CEA.

Added by damedayou on May 1, 2008

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