Got a story to tell?
The Moth believes everyone has a story and the MothSLAM aims to be the vehicle upon which those stories ride. Consider yourself invited, oh general masses, to take a chance telling your tale.
How it Works: Starting at 7:00, we'll put the names of all the folks who want to tell a story in a hat. At 7:30 PM, we'll pick 10 names at random and write them up on the board. The host will assemble three teams of judges. Each teller will have 5 minutes to tell his or her tale. After each story, the judges will confer, and give a score from 1-10. The teller with the highest score becomes our MothSLAM Champion.
If you'd like to tell a story at the SLAM:
1. See below for the next SLAM theme.
2. Remember, concoct, channel or exorcise a five-minute story based on that theme.
3. Practice it at home--no paper or notes allowed on stage!
4. Come to the show at 7:00 and put your name in the MothSLAM hat
5. Cross your fingers and hope to be one of the 10 picked!
What being a MothSLAM champion gets you . . . A bag of nifty TNT goodies, a bounce in your step, a regal air, a sweaty sense of smug superiority, a fuzzy feeling akin to your childhood blankie, the approval of people who were mean to you in high school, love and of course, envy. You also get a spot in our GrandSLAM showdown and a shot at the GrandSLAM Championship title.
The Moth StorySLAM
Tuesday, February 13th
Location: The Nuyorican 236 East 3rd Street (between Aves. B & C)
7pm sign up; 7:30 show
Theme: Love Hurts
$6 at door
More information at
Official Website:
Added by nikjc on February 4, 2007