107 N 3rd St #2H
New York, New York 11211

In this 6 class series designed just for teens ages 10-16, students will learn yoga postures and breathing as a jumping off point for an exploration of creative movement. Focus and fun, flexibility and strength, yoga play and music... It's Yoga Dance Camp!

$90 for all 6 weeks. $18 Drop In. Pre-registration is highly recommended.
6 Tuesdays starting July 14th from 2-3:30.

Adriana Rizzolo

My open mind originally brought me to yoga and the stillness that it created in my ADD inflicted brain was so helpful I couldn’t ignore. I have always been a fan of doing what “works” and it did. I practiced like a mad woman at the laughing lotus for a couple of years eventually wanting to dive deeper into the science of this art. I looked to the Iyengar Institute for a more intense understanding of what it was exactly I was doing with my body and breath. I have always wanted to teach children, but never felt passionate enough about something to feel good about teaching it until the moment I realized yoga was a part of me that wasnt going away. I did my first kids yoga training at Kids Karma Yoga in the city, and my second training was the Radiant Child Yoga program with the lovely Shakta Kaur Khalsa. Nothing is more important to me right now than doing what I can to help children develop important skills that are essential to life..and of course to be light and have fun!

Official Website: http://clients.mindbodyonline.com/ws.asp?studioid=5782&stype=-8&sTG=23&sVT=52&sTrn=100000008

Added by bendyburg on June 29, 2009

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