2705 East Carson Street
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15203

Most people know the song "House of the Rising Sun" from the version recorded by the British Invasion group the Animals -- a ballad about a place in New Orleans that's the ruin of many poor girls or boys. Few songs have traveled a journey as intricate as "House of the Rising Sun.” Today, hundreds of artists have recorded the song and it can be heard in the most diverse of places -- Chinese karaoke bars, Gatorade ads, and as a ring tone on cell phones.

Ted Anthony began his journey to find the roots of the “Rising Sun” in New Orleans. Along the way he discovered how American traditions survived and prospered -- and how a piece of culture moves through the modern world, propelled by technology and globalization and recorded sound.

Official Website: http://www.josephbeth.com

Added by Joseph Beth Booksellers on May 16, 2007