777 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
Portland, Oregon 97232

We will be in room D137/138 in the Oregon Convention center (thank you, O'Reilly!)

Since many Community Leaders will be arriving in Portland on July 24th to attend OSCON, I thought that it would be a good opportunity to have a meetup. Anyone currently leading, managing, or otherwise involved in technology communities (open source, web 2.0, wikis, etc.) is welcome to attend.

We had one of these in May right before OSBC and decided to do another one in Portland. Should be fun!

Contact Dawn Foster with any questions: dawn at dawnfoster dot com

Added by GeekyGirlDawn on July 4, 2007


Karl Fogel

Thanks for arranging this, Dawn. Listed myself as "watching" because I'm waiting for something else (to which I'm already committed) to get scheduled; once I know about that, I'll know if I can come to the community meetup.


Sadly, I will be in NYC. :(


Oh, sure, schedule this for the same night as FOSCON (http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/216872/) so I can't go... I'm an organizer for it, otherwise I'd come to this first. :(

Damn, I sure hate to miss this.


Sweet, I *do* get to go to OSCON. Yay!!!


Thank you for setting this up.I hope that schedules work out and I can attend.


Looking forward to attending. point me in the right direction!


I'm from a bunch of Indian lugs, and used to head up the libyahoo2 and ayttm projects. I'll be at Ubuntulive anyway.


What are people's dinner plans? Before or after or during?