1700 Tysons Boulevard
McLean, Virginia 22102

Promote your career to a higher level with TECHEXPO Top Secret. Interview for hot jobs in information technology, cyber security, cloud computing, aerospace, engineering, homeland security, intelligence & more. An active Security Clearance and industry experience is required to attend. You are encouraged to bring many resumes and alert your friends & colleagues about these upcoming exclusive hiring events. Meet the industry’s growing organizations at TECHEXPO.
By attending one or both hiring events you will be automatically entered into our drawing to win the The NOOK Color!
Tuesday, November 13th • 10am - 3pm
The Ritz-Carlton Tysons Corner
1700 Tysons Blvd.
McLean, VA 22102
Directions Only: (703) 506- 4300
Pre-Register: www.TECHEXPOUSA.com
Wednesday, November 14th
Join us during lunch or right after work: NEW TIME: 1 pm – 6pm
Enjoy Complimentary Hors d’oeuvre, our Wine Bar, Decadent Deserts & Hand Rolled Cigars!
The BWI Marriott
1743 West Nursery Road
Baltimore, MD 21090
Directions Only: (410) 859- 8300
Pre-Register: www.TECHEXPOUSA.com
Admission: Any level of Active Security Clearance issued by the US Federal Government or Military is REQUIRED to attend (or clearance last used within past 24 months.)
Interviewing in McLean on 11/13:
Clearshark – Gold Sponsor
OG Systems- Platinum Sponsor
Accenture Federal Services
Agilex Technologies, Inc.
Allied Technology Group, Inc. / ATG
Applied Information Sciences / AIS
BAE Systems
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compusult Systems Incorporated / CSI
Dell Services Federal Government
ESRI - Environmental Systems Research Institute
EZ Staffing & Consulting / EZSC
Geneva Software, Inc.
GeoEye Analytics
ManTech International Corp.
Navy Engineering Logistics Office / NELO
Northrop Grumman
Security University
SEI / Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon
Standard Technology, Inc / STI
Tech USA
The Centech Group, Inc.
Varen Technologies, Inc.
Virtual Exhibitors Include: Schafer Corporation, The Computer Merchant, Ltd…and more!
Interviewing in Baltimore on 11/14:
Lockheed Martin- Platinum Sponsor
The SI Organization – Platinum Sponsor
Dynamics Research Corp. / DRC
Entegra Systems
FLASH Technology Group
Freedom Consulting Group
L-3 Communications Stratis / L-3 National Security Solutions, Inc., STRATIS Division
ManTech International Corp.
Security University
Tech USA
TeleCommunication Systems, Inc. / TCS
Varen Technologies, Inc.
Vital Management & Engineering, Inc
Virtual Exhibitors Include: Schafer Corporation, The Computer Merchant, Ltd., The Josef Group…and more!
Positions for:
• Network Engineers
• Database Administrators
• Software Engineers
• Web Developers
• Systems Engineer, Administrators
• Project Managers / Program Managers
• Linguists
• Technical Writers
• Java Developer
• Information Analyst
• Security Analyst
• Strategic Planning Officer & more…
Free resume evaluation and career coaching onsite!
For event details and pre-registration please visit: http://www.TechExpoUSA.com
Thank you once again for your interest in our hiring events. Remember, if it's TECHEXPO Top Secret, it's official! Serving companies and professionals since 1993.

Added by TECHEXPO on November 5, 2012

Interested 1