1803 Hendricks Avenue
Jacksonville, Florida 32207

A potpourri of focused mini-talks (lighting talks) in the Pecha Kucha format. The Pecha Kucha format is a japanese invention. The term literally translates to ‘the sound of conversation.’ The format is explicit and constraining. A speaker supplies 20 slides. Each slide is displayed for 20 seconds. The result is a focused six minute and forty second talk on a topic.

This allows for a few opportunities. First, the barrier to entry for a relatively inexperienced speaker. Secondly, enforcing the constraints challenges experienced speakers to fit inside the format and reduce fluff or filler. Finally, putting together a few slides and bringing them to the meeting encourages talking about what you’re working on in the moment, the project, task, or hobby that’s consuming your free cycles.

We have a few folks signed up. The tentative list of speakers can be found here:


If you’re interested in participating please get in touch with or simply get prepared and bring your slides. We’ll accommodate everyone we can.

P.S. Remember refresh is always BYOB.

Official Website: http://www.refreshjacksonville.org/announcements/january-29th-meeting

Added by joeymarchy on January 15, 2009

Interested 1