3000 Hanover Street
Palo Alto, California 94304

Following up on an exceptional conference last year with over 180 attendees, SDForum is pleased to announce 2009 Teens Plugged In! This event highlights the teenagers of a generation that has influenced and adopted technologies like never before.

Teenagers are in constant contact through multiple means of technologies, including Facebook, Twitter, email, IM, MySpace and cell phones. In 2008 we were joined by corporate executives, not-for-profits, venture capitalists and teenage entrepreneurs. Be prepared for another enthralling day with brilliant teens and the adults who are trying to guess which way this generation will lead them.

8:45-9:15 Registration and Networking Breakfast
9:15-9:30 Welcome Remarks
9:30-10:00 Profile in Teen Entrepreneurship: A Fireside Chat
Catherine Cook, MyYearbook
Sergio Monsalve, Norwest Venture Partners
10:00-11:00 Panel Discussion with College Students
11:00-11:15 Break
11:15-12:15 Panel Discussion: "Understanding the Teen Market"
Moderated by: Allison Leopold Tilley, Pillsbury Winthrop
12:15-1:00 Lunch Break, visit the demo stands and network!
1:00-1:15 Call to Action: Teens Reach out
All teen entrepreneurs and developers give their 30 second pitch on what they're looking for- partners, equipment, funds, etc.
1:15-1:30 Profile in Teen Entrepreneurship: Jeff Siebert and Kimber Lockhardt, Increo Solutions
1:15-2:15 Panel Discussion with High School Students
2:15-3:00 Panel Discussion: "Teen Outreach: What the Tech Companies have to offer"
3:00-3:15 Break
3:15-3:30 Profile in Entrepreneurship
3:30-4:30 Panel Discussion: Teens Pitch, Investors Listen
This is an opportunity for a selection of teen entrepreneurs to pitch to investors and experienced entrepreneurs and obtain advice, input on their projects.
4:30-4:45 Closing Remarks

Early Bird Price: $85 - SDForum members, $110 - non-members, $0 - Platinum Pass, $15 - students.

Official Website: http://www.sdforum.org

Added by FullCalendar on April 28, 2009