3 School St
Peterborough, New Hampshire 03458

the Tech Monadnock May Meetup will be held at 6:30pm on May 4th, at Harlow's Pub in Peterborough, NH.

What is Tech Monadnock?

Tech Monadnock is a monthly social gathering for web people who live in the Monadnock Region, created by Michael Susz, a freelance web geek who lives in Rindge, NH. the format was inspired by other excellent new england web gatherings like Build Guild, North Shore Web Geeks, and WebNOB.

who should attend

anyone who works with web technologies - developers, designers, marketers, podcasters, enthusiasts, hobbyists, you name it. this region has a lot of web people! (non web people are welcome also, but be prepared for occasional geekiness)

Official Website: http://techmonadnock.com

Added by mikesusz on April 28, 2009



to potential attendees - the organizer is dealing with family & health issues and won't be able to organize the gathering tonight. if you still wish to loosely assemble and talk about geeky web stuff, by all means. my apologies and i hope things are better by June's meetup.

Interested 1