300 Augusta @ Navarro
San Antonio, Texas 78205

An exhibition of contemporary art that introduces the work of 18 New Zealand artists who, through blending Maori, European and global art influences with a special attention to materials, convey many compelling visions of their unique identities. Works selected by Nigel Borell of New Zealand and Kathy Armstrong, SSAC Associate Curator. Russell Hill Rogers Gallery, Navarro Campus.

Related events include a two-day public demonstration of ta moko, traditional Maori tatooing, as well as a lecture "Rituals of Encounter" by NZ artist Julie Kipa. The Kahurangi Maori Dance Theatre of New Zealand will perform at the art school and elsewhere in San Antonio. Maori-inspired cooking classes will be led by famed NZ chef Charles Pipi Tukukino Royal. There will be a film series -- and more. For a complete schedule of the exhibitions and events, visit www. swschool.org.

Official Website: http://swschool.org

Added by justconnect on December 19, 2007

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