2775 S. Broadway
Englewood, Colorado 80113

Learn to use the tarot as a primary magical tool for centering, cleansing, creating sacred space, meditation, ritual, connecting with Deity, sacred divination, spell work and more. These eight classes will provide you with a basic foundation in tarot-centered Wiccan practices. For students new to Wicca, it is highly recommended that you take the entire series. Students already familiar with Wicca are welcome to attend individual classes. This fifth class will focus on using the tarot to explore the themes of the 8 Wiccan Sabbats of the year and to build connections to the seasonal celebrations. Please bring a tarot deck and notebook. Emily Jones has worked with the tarot for over 20 years and has been studying and practicing Wicca for 5 years. She has presented workshops and classes in the community for the past two years.

Official Website: http://www.isisbooks.com

Added by Isis Books and Gifts on March 31, 2010