7466 Beverly Blvd.
Los Angeles, California 90036

IF YOU ARE 18 years of age or older, in a loving relationship, or not, wanting to improve your sex life, seeking something that will relax you, Seeking something that will excite you; Ready for a natural experience that may change your life…

$20 per person/$35 per couple before 4/15 - $25 per person /$40 per couple

This playshop is for people who are ready to learn how and why the ancient art of Tantric Love Philosophy can be essential to coupling sessions. You will learn how it applies to your daily/weekly/
monthly routine. The playshop will include: The Spring Equinox, The Art of Breath Awareness, The Art of Sensory Awareness and more. For everyone: Increase your vitality, sexual energy, improve your desire
for healthier eating habits, obtain stronger breath, better sleep, expand your sexual awareness and spiritual powers, the return of feelings of joy, bliss and overall well-being.

Please Note: Eat a light lunch. As a part of the workshop, a small sampling of food and beverage will be provided. Wear comfortable clothing so that you may move or stretch your body, with minimal, easy postures.

Presented by Yoga teacher, Ren Rasa Yogamaya, E- RYT 500 and Certified Yoga Teacher, Chris Hume.

Ren is a registered Yoga Teacher at the highest level with the Yoga Alliance, as well as a syndicated columnist and the author of the book, EAT BY COLOR: Foods, Colors and The Chakras. She is a 2nd generation teacher from the lineage of Osho, (Bagwan Shree Rajneesh). This lineage began with Swami Anand Tathagat who was Osho’s right hand and student.
Swami T, aka Swami John was Ren’s teacher and partner.

760.567.5850 www.renyogamaya.com
323.934.8332 www.dancingshiva.com

Official Website: http://www.dancingshiva.com

Added by Solange Silverman on March 16, 2012


Solange Silverman

This is an event by a wonderful, knowledgeable and compassion teacher that is not to be missed!!!!