Via Ugo Niutta 33
Naples, Campania 80128

Tam Tam Digi Fest sponsors IPSE DIGIT, a competition reserved to digital audio-video productions.
If you’ve realized – only by digital – a videoclip, an Internet documentary, a mobile movie or a newsreel reportage, please send your work to: COOP TAM TAM , Via Ugo Niutta 33, 80128 Napoli / Naples - Italy.
It can last from one minute to one hour.
The competion is from October 1st to December 31st 2006. It will award 5 between the best works in each section (Digi Music, Fahrenheit Planet, Mobile Tales, By-Web-Movies). Winners will be notified by February 15th, 2007. If you have not been contacted by this date, you may assume that your entry is not a finalist. Winners entries will show during the second part of Festival (February 21st -25th 2007).
Jury members:
Giulio Gargia Art Director, Journalist
Alberto Castellano Cine journalist, Il Mattino
Antonio Tricomi Performing Arts Journalist, Repubblica (Naples edition)
Pietro Piemontese Writer and essayist

Works will not returned.

Festival Directors : Giulio Gargia and Pietro Pizzimento. or

Official Website:

Added by accordieDISACCORDI on September 25, 2006

Interested 1