949 W. 49th Avenue at Oak St
Vancouver, British Columbia

Sponsored by the World Federalist and United Associations -Vancouver: John Trent will talk and conduct a discussion on "Modernizing the United Nations System" on Thursday, May 15 2008, 7:30 pm at Hewett Centre, Unitarian Church, 949 W. 49th Ave at Oak St. All welcome, no charge, free parking. Discussion followed by refreshments. John Trent is a Fellow of the Centre on Governance at the Univ. of Ottawa and will be discussing the role that civil society can play in transforming the UN into a third generation organization that can effectively manage global problems. For more information: Contact Larry Kazdan at (604) 874-9982 or [email protected] The World Federalist Movement-Vancouver Branch (http://www.vcn.bc.ca/wfcvb; [email protected]) meets/sponsors talks and discussions at this location every third Thursday of every month to which the general public is cordially invited to attend. The World Federalists support the development of a global community based on the rule of law and democratically accountable international institutions.

Official Website: http://www.vcn.bc.ca/wfcvb

Added by makahiya on May 5, 2008

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