25 West 52nd Street between 5th and 6th Avenue
New York City, New York

Al Franken, Host, The Al Franken Show, Air America Radio
Mike Gallagher, Host, The Mike Gallagher Show, Salem Radio Network
MarĂ­a Hinojosa, Host, Latino USA; Correspondent, CNN
Lee Thornton, Professor of Journalism, University of Maryland at College Park
Additional panelists to be announced.

Moderator: Michael Harrison, Editor and Publisher, TALKERS Magazine

Talk radio has been on the air for more than eighty years, beginning as local informational programs that occasionally focused on news commentary or political campaign coverage. Talk radio now ranks as the second most popular radio format in America and provides hosts and listeners with the opportunity to discuss issues that have local, national, and global impact. Panelists will consider such questions as: Does talk radio offer a platform for dialogue about the political process? Do talk show hosts influence the way their listeners vote? Is there real diversity among talk radio shows?

Added by MTR on January 27, 2005