218 St Helens Ave
Tacoma, Washington 98402

Linda Frank will speak on "GAZA: SEPARATING THE FACTS FROM THE MYTHS and why you should be concerned". Frank will attempt to answer some of the following questions:
· The ceasefire: Who broke it?
· What do Palestinians really want?
· What do Israelis really want?
· What is America's role in the conflict?
· How does Gaza fit into the larger Israel-Palestinian conflict?
· How & why Israel helped bring Hamas to power
· What you can do to help to bring security to all parties

Linda Frank is active locally with several Tacoma/Pierce County peace-justice groups including United for Peace of Pierce County; People for Peace, Justice, and Healing; and the Northwest Middle East Peace Forum. She helped found the Tacoma chapter of Women in Black. Linda served as media liaison for the Citizens Hearing on the US Legality of US Actions in Iraq. Frank is a native New Yorker who, moved by 9-11, took a 15-month unpaid sabbatical to engage in the issues. She networked with groups and individuals in Israel, the Occupied Palestinian Territories, and throughout the U.S.; she outreached (briefed) to national and local media; she lobbied Congress; and has organized and spoken at numerous community events, hosting Israeli and Palestinian speakers and others who could help fill in, for Tacomans, the missing pieces of the missing peace. In 2005, Linda was nominated for the Greater Tacoma Peace Prize. The event is sponsored by United for Peace of Pierce County.

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Added by KingsBooks on January 17, 2009

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